Thursday, November 12, 2015


October is a special month for us now - it was this month last year that our adoption with Carter was finalized and he was sealed to us in the temple! I have always loved October, in Utah - it's so fun to watch the colors and the weather change into the refreshing, crisp, Fall air. We live in a seriously breath-taking place and it's sad to think this may be our last Fall in Alpine. :(
Let's relive that special day for a second:

Of course we had to do Cornbelly's! We went with Carter's cousin, Lizzie and Aunt Hannah. It was fun to watch them run around by themselves and explore. When we went last year, Carter wasn't even crawling so it was a whole new experience. The tractor ride was definitely their favorite part - we had to ride it twice in a row!

Brad also ran another half marathon - this time it was a trail. It was up in Midway and it was absolutely beautiful, but he said the difference in trail vs. road races kinda rocked him, but he's glad he did it. :)

We also celebrated my dad's birthday that weekend. The last time he went to California, he inherited some of his dad's sweaters. He let us each pick one to keep - we LOVE them!

Shaun was MIA this day
Our ward had a trunk or treat party and the theme was to dress up as your favorite Book of Mormon character. Hannah and I had spent the day working on our Halloween costumes and I had some extra fabric to work with so I just kind of whipped something up for him. It turned out so cute and he was a hit. It took bribing him with a sword and piece of candy to get him to keep it on.

Then, of course, Halloween! This holiday just gets better every year. I LOVE Halloween and seeing everyone's creative costumes. I was struggling with deciding what I wanted us to be and I came across the best idea, but the Ryan's had to be game. I suggested it to Hannah and they were in! How could we resist? It could be the only year we get to do something like this!

Say hello to Barney, Betty, and Bam Bam Rubble & Fred, Wilma, and Pebbles Flintstone!

We had so much fun celebrating with Rob, Hannah, & Lizzie (Zac & Karlie came over for dinner before they headed to another party - no pic tho...) We had a yummy chili dinner with bread sticks. Then we took the little ones trick or treating around the block. They surprisingly got the hang of it and were loving getting all of the candy. Carter hated letting go of it and putting it in his trick or treating bag. We came back, ate "worms in dirt" then made some caramel apples while the kiddos watch Room on the Broom - a total hit in our house!
Halloween just gets more and more fun and exciting as families grow - I can only imagine how much better it will be next year!

Here are some classic Carter moments and other October highlights for your entertainment:

it wasn't me

my little helper - dusting the floors??
and the furniture :)
vacuuming alongside mom
they are seriously best buds
dinner up the canyon with good friends for the last time of the season 
his favorite place to sit while we read books
finally hiked the Y with my beautiful cousins

he's got serious moves and serious bedhead
daddy's little helper
lickin it clean

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