Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Our lives are forever changed - March 28, 2014

I am still slowly, but surely working on getting our blog caught up and revamped. It's taking lots of little steps - I'm still enjoying being caught up in the moments of motherhood and soaking up every minute of it. Thank you for your patience and continued support throughout our journey :)
I was just reading through my journal and wanted to share this little bit I wrote the same day Carter was born. His birth story is almost done, so here's something to entertain you for now...

I am laying in bed at a hotel room, trying to take a nap. Brad is sound asleep at my side, and Carter and Courtney are at the hospital, catching up on their own sleep. I have slept a grand total of 30 minutes in the last 36 hours and I can't seem to shut myself down long enough to really sleep. This has been the very best day of my life. I think it's fair to say, it has also been the very best day of Brad's life.
Today, we can unofficially call ourselves mom and dad. This is the most surreal thing I have ever experienced and honestly don't think it has fully hit me yet. I'm a mom, Brad's a dad, and Carter is our little boy. Most importantly, none of this would have happened if we didn't have our sweet angel, Courtney, in our lives. It is thanks to her that we are now parents, that my parents are now grandparents and my siblings are now aunts and uncles. It's also Brad's family's first nephew and grandson. My heart is so full I can't even explain it. I have never had such a hard time expressing my emotions before. We have had an overwhelming number of people visit, call, text, and leave messages through social media sharing their excitement and support for us and Courtney. We are so grateful for that - there are so many that I want to get back to - yet all I REALLY want to do is sit here, with Brad, baby Carter, and Courtney and soak in the spirit of this experience.
I have never felt closer to my Savior in my entire life. I can literally feel him joining us in the hospital room as we visit and pass baby Carter around, ooing and awing about how adorable he is. He has Courtney's beautiful almond shaped eyes and her adorable nose. He also has an adorable little cleft chin - ironically, just like Brad. I honestly love those three features most about our little guy. There are wonderful things in his face that will always remind us of the angel that brought Carter into our lives and he even has a little touch of his daddy - truly divine intervention. Oh my goodness! I can't even contain myself. I love him so very much! I love my little family! I am so grateful and humbled by the opportunity that we have to be the parents of this sweet baby boy. We feel so honored to be the parents that Courtney has chosen and will always be grateful for her and her selfless love.
I CANNOT wait to get back to our little guy so I can kiss his little face to pieces!

1 comment:

  1. I love you guys so much!! I remember this day very well, and despite what most would think it is one of the happiest days of my life. Because I knew on that day that Carter had two wonderful parents that loved him and would give him the world. I was able to give my baby boy everything that I could through you two and I couldn't have asked for or expected more. I am grateful that he has you two to love him forever and for always and that you will always be there for him. I am grateful that the Lord sent me to you, to be able to give Carter everything I wanted, and to give you a beautiful baby boy. I love you all very very much, to the moon and back!! Forever and for always, and don't you ever forget it!!
